Trusted Relations with Insurance COs Makes our Repair Process Smooth and Our Customers Very Happy.

This RV took a bunch of damage to the siding and almost ripped off entry door. Fortunately, the owner’s insurance will be covering all of the repairs, but we’re holding our breath to make sure there is no other damage that is unseen until we dismantle the siding and do a thorough inspection. Trusted relations with insurance companies makes our operations run smooth and our customers very happy. After pictures soon to follow!IMG_2100IMG_2101

Expert RV Fabrication is a Must!

Every week we’ve got some kind of fabrication work going on in our shop and most often its to replace cabin doors and the lower sidings. At first glance it may look like an easy repair, but the attention to details and expert paint matching is what makes the completed job top quality and up to factor specs.

Truck Camper is on the Road Again!

At Almaden RV, “As good as new” really means “As good as new”, and often our customers ask for upgrades while we’ve got everything torn apart. No problem! And for them, it becomes better-than-new when they come to take it home. This truck camper had a lot of damaged to repair inside and outside. No job is too small or too big for our awesome crew. We’ve got what it takes to do it right the fist time.